• Date Of Birth: July 5, 1929
  • Date Of Death: September 11, 2020
  • State: New York

Born in Bronx, NY on July 5, 1929, Departed on September 11, 2020, and resided in White Plains, NY.

William L. Otto of White Plains, NY passed away on September 11th, 2020. He was 91 years of age. He enjoyed good health until the end. He often laughed at the trials of his early years, where he was beaten up, stabbed, and shot. He then went into the Army where he served as a guinea pig through three atomic bombs. In later years he became a Quaker State Oil Refinery man, leaving that to go into the building maintenance business. Among his accounts were Manhattan College and the New York Law School. He was the only outside contractor for the Spanish Pavilion at the 1967 World’s Fair in Flushing, NY. In his business, he supervised 64 of his own men and at times 189 men for a gentleman known as “The Irish Godfather.” This man saved his life 3 times. These stories are all in his autobiography “The Last of the Dinosaurs.” He built and then lost a big estate in Sands Point, NY, along with millions of dollars in the bad market.

He is survived by his daughter, Tina from Warrensburg, NY, his two grandsons, Warren and Wesley, and his dear friend Catherine from White Plains, NY.

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