• Date Of Birth: April 30, 1942
  • Date Of Death: May 17, 2020
  • State: New York

Talivaldis (Talis) Blumbergs, 78, died of natural causes on Sunday, May 17, 2020, following a long struggle with heart disease. Born in Riga, Latvia on April 30, 1942 to Ansis and Erna Puzis, Talis emigrated to America as a WW2 refugee with his mother, Erna and step-father Zigurds Blumbergs on the USS General C. H. Muir, arriving at Ellis Island when he was just 9 years old.

Talis grew up on Long Island with the challenge of changing his name, learning the English language and the American way of life. He made a life in Long Island for many years, ultimately marrying Sheila Margaret Bennett and bringing their first son, Derek Blumbergs into the world in 1975. Relocating to the Finger Lakes region of New York in 1976, they welcomed their second son, Todd Blumbergs into the world in 1977. Together they built a home and a life in Penn Yan, New York.

Talis and Sheila literally built their home, living in a small trailer with two young boys while they drove every nail and installed every feature of their forever home, a cozy log cabin. It took many years of loving labor to complete the home they built with their own hands, a home that is still the anchor of three generations of family and friends.

The “back forty” as it is known to family, is a special place on the Blumbergs’ property. It is here that Talis and Sheila hosted many small to large gatherings, along with amazing food, love, laughs, and the legendary bon fires, with Talis’ iconic deep voice and playful spirit orchestrating the event.

His roasted pig and charcoal-roasted turkey were an integral part of family reunions, and fishing in his pond—the site where many of the grand-children learned to fish. Talis was preceded in death just three months earlier by his beloved wife. Talis is survived by his sons Derek and Todd, grand-children Austin, Chase, Karyn, Julian and Clara, and by cousins Susan Pirs and Barbara Pirs-Gowland.

Talis was immensely proud of his family, especially his son Derek, a Yates County Sherrif’s sergeant deputy and Todd, an Electrical General Foreman in Silicon Valley, California. He loved following lacrosse with all 3 grandsons and adored his 2 beautiful granddaughters. He was at peace in his final days, said meaningful goodbyes to his family, and looked forward to being at peace with Sheila. An era has passed in the Blumbergs family, an era that will not be forgotten.

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