Sammy Burgamy (Mairhofer) Samuelson

 United States

  • Date Of Birth: May 4, 1973
  • Date Of Death: May 12, 2019
  • State: Idaho

Sammy Burgamy Samuelson

Sammy Burgamy Samuelson was born May 4th, 1973 in Houston, TX. She was raised by parents Darrel and Gloria Mairhofer. Sammy possessed a courageous faith and sense of adventure which led her, as a young woman, to Montana and eventually to Idaho. She nevertheless forged deep and lasting relationships wherever she went and let distance be no obstacle to sharing her love. She managed movie theaters, college dining operations, served as a children’s librarian, wrote and directed a short film which was later adapted into a feature length film by another filmmaker. 

While in Montana, Sammy fell in love with Michael Samuelson, and they began a long distance relationship culminating in her move to Idaho where they married and raised children Hannah and Evan Samuelson, of which she was so very proud.

Sammy volunteered her time with elementary and high school robotics programs. She had a passion for lighting a fire in individuals so that they might realize their full potential, and she shared of herself often and willingly. She was mother to five foreign exchange students and a coach to many young children.

A woman of disarming wisdom and endearing kindness and loyalty, in one of the last conversations Sammy had with her daughter she said, “Just be gracious to everyone and know who you are, and you’ll be a light to others.” Sammy was a life-long Christian, confident in the eternal security bought for her by her savior Jesus Christ who reconciled sinners to God the Father through his payment for their sins while He hung on the cross. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.” Sammy believed this ardently, and through her faith developed the confidence and courage to know who she was: a unique, gracious and loving person. 

Sammy’s time on this earth ended May 12th, 2019 due to sudden heart failure. During the final years of her life, Sammy had been under the care of a cardiac physician due to cardiomyopathy. She experienced numerous episodes of irregular heartbeats during this period, with her heart eventually regaining a regular rhythm on its own until Sunday evening when her heart went irregular and couldn’t find its way back despite the interventions of family and medical personnel. When her heart failed, it did so quickly and she left us within a matter of minutes. Sammy spent her last day relaxed and surrounded by family. She is missed.

Sammy is survived by her husband Michael Samuelson, children Hannah and Evan Samuelson, father Darrell Maierhofer, brother Darrell Maierhofer Jr., and niece Alexis Maierhofer. She is also survived by loving in-laws, nephews and a host of dear long-time friends, exchange students who were “her kids” and dozens of robotics students she coached and loved.


Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. – Joshua 1:9


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