Robert Wen-Shaing Chen

 United States

  • Date Of Birth: November 29, 1943
  • Date Of Death: August 11, 2022
  • State: Florida

Our dear father and husband, Robert W.
Though he grew up in humble beginnings on a farm in Taiwan, through determination and power of will, Robert began to realize his intellectual potential.  After graduating from National Chengchi University (NCCU), he was admitted to the University of Minnesota, where he earned his doctorate in mathematics.  He then joined the University of Miami’s department of Mathematics and Computer Science, where he rose to the rank of full professor before retiring in 2016.

Not content to stay in the academic “ivory tower”, Robert was a strong advocate for democratic ideals. He was an active member of the Formosa Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) and organized his community to support Members of Congress who fought for democracy abroad.

Grit, independence, and care for one’s community were the values that he embodied and shared with all of those around him.

Robert is survived by his wife, Ai-Wen Sung, his son, Lester Chen, his stepdaughter, Vida Ip, and his stepson, Will Ip.

我們親愛的父親和丈夫陳文憲已在2022 年 8 月 11 日安詳離世,與家人一起度過了短短幾天的父親節; 距離他的 80 歲 (虛歲) 生日還有幾個月的時間。
儘管出生於台灣鄉下的農場,但通過決心和意志力,文憲在學術上發展了他的智力潛能。自國立政治大學(NCCU)畢業後,他考入明尼蘇達大學取得數學博士學位,並加入邁阿密大學的數學和電腦科學系晉升為正教授,於 2016 年退休。
文憲不滿足於留在學術界的“象牙塔”,他同時也是民主理想的堅定倡導者。他是台灣公共事務協會 (FAPA) 的積極成員,並強力支持社區內為民主而戰的國會議員。

如果您能於8 月 20 日參加追思會,我們將獻上最誠摯的感謝。如果您希望表達更多的思念之情,我們懇請您不要送花,請選擇捐款至文憲弟弟的基金會: 支票抬頭為CWCMF,並寄至陳文成教授基金會 ( Professor Chen Wen-Chen Memorial Foundation),地址: P.O. Box 136, Kingston, NJ 08528。

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