Obituary for Lily Rose Taylor

 United States

  • Date Of Death: October 29, 2018
  • State: Missouri

Donations may be made at St. Jude Children’s Hospital in care of Pitman Funeral Home, P.O. Box 248, Wentzville, Mo. 63385

Lily Rose Taylor passed away on October 29, 2018 at the age of 86. She was the beloved wife of Joseph Taylor of Moscow Mills, Missouri. She is survived by her daughters, Bridget (Drew Trautman) Kientzy, Cissy (Bob) Broyles; grandchildren, Christa “Love” (Ed) Fitzgerl, Joseph (Lindsay) Thorpe, Mathew Kientzy, Gerald Druba, Laura (Josh) Edmiston; great-grandchildren, William Fitzgerl, Taylor “McGuirk” Fitzgerl, Cameryn Thorpe, Lucian Thorpe, Patrick Druba, Nora Druba, Larson Edmiston, Urijah Edmiston, Maverick “Wood” Edmiston; sister, Teresa Cecelia Brakefield; brothers, Thomas Patrick (Joyce) McGuirk, John Christopher (Norma) McGuirk; sister-in-laws, Letha McGuirk, Gina McGuirk, Mary McGuirk, Avella McGuirk, Marge McGuirk; She is preceded in death by her father, George Michael McGuirk, mother, Bridget Faye McGuirk, son, Joseph Gregory Taylor, sisters, Mary Eileen Wilson, Anne Marie MCGuirk, brothers, George Michael McGuirk, Vincent Francis McGuirk, Patrick Thomas McGuirk, James Joseph McGuirk, Anthony Theopane McGuirk, Joseph Jerome McGuirk, brother-in-laws, Harry Brakefield, Napolean Wilson. If ever there were a name more perfectly suited, it was that of Lily Rose McGuirk Taylor – beloved wife, mother, grandmother, sister and friend. Short little legs, tapping fingers and toes, sweet rosy cheeks, pink button nose, and beautiful blue-green eyes that sparkled with love. Her laugh was contagious, the most beautiful sound. Her touch so soft and gentle, despite years of hard labor and reminders of metal-slivered shards which she gained from her work as a machinist for more than 30 years. She began at Bussmann’s where she met the love of her life and husband Joe of nearly 65 years. She retired in her 60’s and NEVER (once or twice) missed a day of work in all that time. Impressive dedication, given she never learned to drive and had to leave at dawn and walk two miles every morning and evening just to catch a ride. She was a survivor. She grew up very poor in a family of 14 – mama, pop, 8 brothers, 3 sisters and her. She spent many nights with no shelter from the storms of life – just a table to keep them dry from the rain before they built their family cabin on 40 acres in Salem, MO. She lost her mama when she was 16, her pop and all but three of her brothers and sisters before she passed. She was kidnapped when she was a young girl – by God’s grace she found courage and escaped, the only scars she received were those from jumping out of a moving car and running for safety through a barb-wired fence. She lost her precious son Gregory at birth and suffered years of anxiety and sadness from never having had the opportunity to see or hold her precious baby and only son in her arms. Despite all the hardship, she found joy in the little things. Flowers. Collecting rocks from different places and travels. Crocheting, doing puzzles, coloring books, going to garage sales. Mustard. Watching “Come on Down” (the Price Is Right) and Wheel of Fortune. Getting her nails painted and hair done. Dressing up her daughters in pretty outfits, and grandchildren in different clothes. Scratching her grandkids’ backs, twirling her granddaughters’ hair. Spooning with her Joe, her “dad.” Making a pallet on the floor for all her loved ones to sleep. Family was everything and all that mattered. Her favorite places in life were Knights of Columbus at St Ferdinand, St. Sabina’s church, “White Castles,” the Salem graveyard, Cuba/Indian Hills Lake – Aunt Teresa and Uncle Harry’s A-frame and Uncle John’s house. Her address was 1100 Mullanphy, but her HOME was wherever her husband, daughters, grandchildren and brothers/sisters, nieces and nephews were. Wherever her family was, was heaven on earth – where she felt most secure. Her favorite words were “STUPID”, “ignernt” (ignorant), scaltin’ (hot), “isn’t that terrible?” Her greatest lessons: Don’t take any wooden nickels from a stranger. Put your coat on so you don’t freeze your willy off. Don’t get too close to the fire or you’ll fall in or wet your bed. Don’t make that face or it will stick that way. Her best advice ever: Don’t go to bed mad. Kiss and make up. Say I’m sorry and I love you. You gotta forgive, baby doll. She hated “ar-geeing” (arguing) and fights. She was an angel of peace, her family’s safe place and sanctuary, their respite from the storm. Lily’s greatest achievements were her husband Joe and their 65 years of marriage together, her beautiful daughters, Bridget Anne and Ciss, her angel baby Gregory, her Christa Love, Joey, Mattie-Moot Moot, Ger-Ger, Lar-Lar and all her great grandkids. (Oh, and her granddaughter winning Queen of the Valley of Flowers – though she’s still “mad she wasn’t sponsored by the Knights.”) We will miss her smile, her laugh, her touch, her warm embrace. Her acceptance, loyalty, faithfulness, unconditional support and grace. She is gone, but never forgotten. She is our guardian angel, hope for eternal happiness, our legacy of LOVE.
Date: Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Time: 9:30 am to 10:30 am

Visitation Location:
St. Patrick Catholic Church Wentzville, Mo. 63385

Date: Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Time: 10:30 am

Service Location:
St. Patrick Catholic Church Wentzville, Mo. 63385

Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery

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