• Date Of Birth: August 22, 1973
  • Date Of Death: September 26, 2021
  • State: Florida

Joey E. Hamm Jr, 48, of Lake City , Fl. has passed away, on Sunday, September 26th, 2021, at Capital Regional Medical Center in Tallahassee, Fl.
Joey, Josh, Joshua, Joe, daddy, dad, husband, papa, son, brother, uncle, cousin, friend, Hamm, Hambone, Lt, lil buddy, a man of many names. Joey was a man of God, a man of few words like his daddy and a man who had more patience than most. Joey played sports from his youngest years throughout his high school career. Joey is a graduate of Tabernacle Baptist School in Live Oak, Fl. He then started his career with the Florida Department of Corrections, in which he started at 19 years old. His career started at Mayo CI and he helped build Suwannee CI before he transferred there. Joey retired from Suwannee CI, a Lieutenant with 25 years, in which his canine years were is favorite. Joey loved fishing and taking the family out on the boat.
Joey is survived by his wife Tallie Hamm. His children, Brittany Hamm, Cody Hamm, Kaitlyn Hamm, Tyler Moseley, Tucker Boggs, Jessica Barker and Trent Barker. His Father and stepmother Joey Hamm Sr. and Debra Hamm, his mother Janice Doolen. His sisters and their husbands Daphne Pendergrast (and Perry Pendergrast) and Courtney Rothenberger (and John Rothenburger). His nieces and nephews Tayler Pillars, Lane and Savannah Pendergrast, Mikey, Noah, Joshua and Hailey Rothenberger. His grandchildren Tallon and Tanner North.

“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.” 2 Timothy 4:7-8

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