Heureuse "Irese" Celestin

 United States

  • Date Of Birth: April 10, 1943
  • Date Of Death: April 9, 2022
  • State: New Jersey

Nee a Grande Saline, le 10 avril 1938, Irese, (surnommee Soeur a), comme on l’appelait affectueusement, était la fille du défunt Mr. Loriverne Celestin, forgeron et de la défunte Mme Clervilia Clairjuste, entrepreneure. Irese était, jusqu’au 9 avril 2022, la seule survivante d’une famille de 11 Enfants.

Irese était une mere exceptionnelle, elle sacrifia sa vie toute entière pour le bien etre de ses enfants. Apres le départ de son conjoint pour La Martinique en 1981, Irese devenait la seule parente pour s’occuper des neuf enfants qui elle devait nourir, vetir et s’assurer de leur éducation. Pour ce faire, Irese a du combiner ses multiples talents afin de s’assurer que ses enfants ne manquaient de rien.

Irese était la cultivatrice, la commercante, l’économiste, la menagerie et la cuisinière. Elle faisant tout sans se plaindre et elle était toujours disponible quand ses enfants avaient besoin d’elle. Femme courageuse, Irese jonglait entre la ville ou elle devait apporter de la ressources necessaires aux enfants qui vivaient en ville pour leur éducation et la campagne pour prendre soinsde ceux qui vivaient encore avec elle.

 Irese n’avait pas grand chose, mais le peu qu’elle avait etait entièrement destinee aux besoins des autres. Irese ne se sacrifiait pas seulement pour ses enfants, mais ses sacrifices étaient sans limite. Elle  restait souvent affamée pour  nourrir un inconnu qu’elle vient tout juste de croiser sur son chemin.

En 2009, Irese a emmigre aux Etats-Unis, ou elle a vecu successivement chez ces deux filles, Elsie et Celiana, pendant tout son sejour qui a duré 13 longues années. Séjour à New Jersey n’était pas passe inapercue, elle a marqué la vie de nombreuses personnes dont certaines lui ont volontairement adoptée comme mère ou grand-mère, dépendamment de leur age. Irese était la chouchou de tous ceux qui la connaissait et on l’admirait.

En 2019, Irese a ete diagnostiquée d’une maladie incurable, laquelle elle a combattu impuissament jusqu’à son dernier soupir,  rendu le Samedi 9 avril a 11h30 pm dans la demeure familiale, 30 minutes avant son 84e anniversaire.

Irese a laissé dans le deuil ses neuf enfants biologiques et une fille adoptive : Olmise Noel-Jeune, Wilda Occil Noel-Jeune, Innes Noel-Jeune, Elsie Noel-Jeune Cerese Noel-Jeune, Celiana Noe-Jeune, Yvelene Noel-Jeune, Woodson Noel-Jeune, Samuel Noel-Jeune et Isline Cenescar.

Ses 20 petits enfants : Salomon Exius, Jefferson Bozier, Distefano Occil, Benetti Occil, Faketti Occil. Herbens, Louidort, Sandy louidort, Agady Nazaire, Amos Nazaire, Evelina Nazaire, Guersham Nazaire, Wilda Nazaire, Woodelson louis, Woodleyson Louis, Nicole Jumel, Elena Jumel, Naya Noel-Jeune, Naima Noel-Jeune, Samaya Noel-Jeune Kervins Noel-Jeune

Ses 11 arriere-petits enfants : Elsie-Hope Anabelle Exius, Claude Demosthene Exius, Gabriel Exius, Brayden Occil, Brenley Occil, Zneida Nazaire, Di Mateo Occil, Dee’Niah Kylee Occil, Shedensky Charles, Woodson Junior Nazaire, Shekinah Skylar Louidort.


Born in Grande Saline, Haiti on April 10th, 1938, Irese, affectionately known as “Soeur a” (Our sister) to the late Loriverne Celestin and the late Clervilia Clairjuste. Until April 9th of 2022, Irese was the last surviving sibling of a family of 11.

At a young girl, Irese was already known for her altruism and generosity. Her charm and wit made her a gem of her time. At the age of 17 Irese met Mr. Senatus Noel-Jeune, who then became her husband and from that union she bore their 9 children consisting of 6 girls and 3 boys. 

Irese was naturally an exceptional mother who sacrificed the most of her life for the benefit of her children. After her husband departed for Martinique in 1981, Irese became the sole parent responsible to feed, clothe and ensure the education of her 9 children. To do so she combined her many talents to ensure her children lacked nothing.

Irese was the farmer, the merchant, the accountant, the housekeeper, and the cook. Without a complaint she always made herself available to her children. As a courageous woman she found balance between the city, where she made sure to provide for her children receiving their education there, and the countryside where she took care of the family living with her.

With what little she had, Irese graciously extended herself to support the needs of others. Not only did she sacrifice her life for her children, but her sacrifices were without bound. She often would stay hungry in order to feed a complete stranger who crossed her path.

Asking for nothing in return, Irese was consistently available to help anyone in need. Her satisfaction came from knowing that she was able to make a difference in the lives of others.

In 2009, Irese immigrated to the United States where she lived with her two daughters Elsie and Celiana for the past 13 years. Her time in New Jersey would not go unnoticed as she marked the lives of many who voluntarily adopted her as a mother or grandmother. She was a darling to all who knew and admired her.

In 2019, Irese was diagnosed with an incurable cancer that she fought tirelessly until her last breath on Saturday, April 9th 2022, just 30 minutes shy of her 84th birthday.

Irese is survived by her 9 biological children and an adopted daughter. Olmise Noel-Jeune, Wilda Occil Noel-Jeune, Innes Noel-Jeune, Elsie Noel-Jeune, Cerese Noel-Jeune, Celiana Noel-Jeune, Yvelene Noel-Jeune, Woodson Noel-Jeune, Samuel Noel-Jeune and Isline Cenescar.

She also had the blessing of 20 grandchildren, Salomon Exius, Jefferson Bozier, Distefano Occil, Benetti Occil, Faketti Occil. Herbens, Louidort, Sandy louidort, Agady Nazaire, Amos Nazaire, Evelina Nazaire, Guersham Nazaire, Wilda Nazaire, Woodelson Louis, Woodleyson Louis, Nicole Jumel, Elena Jumel, Naya Noel-Jeune, Naima Noel-Jeune, Samaya Noel-Jeune, Kervins Noel-Jeune.

Following that is her 11 great grandchildren, Elsie-Hope Anabelle Exius, Claude Demosthene Exius, Gabriel Exius, Brayden Occil, Brenley Occil, Zneida Nazaire, Di Mateo Occil, Dee’Niah Kylee Occil, Shedensky Charles, Woodson Junior Nazaire, Shekinah Skylar Louidort



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