• Date Of Death: January 9, 2016
  • State: Indiana

Domingo Saglim­bene, 95, re­turned to his only true home in the early morning hours of Saturday, Jan. 9. He ended his earthly jour­ney one month be­fore his 96th birth­day at the home he shared with his only child (Diana Tice of Elkhart) for the past four and a half years.

He was the beloved hus­band of Kathryn Graef Saglim­bene, who pre­ceded him in death Aug. 17, 1997. They met when they were in the U.S. Army Med­i­cal Corps dur­ing World War II.

Domingo was an artist who be­gan cre­at­ing his art when he was 6, and he never stopped. In his stu­dio there is a paint­ing that is still wet. He ex­hib­ited his art work at the fol­low­ing venues: the Wayne County (Michi­gan) Artist Show, the Detroit In­sti­tute of Arts, the Province Town Arts Fes­ti­val (Province Town, Mass.), and the Univer­sity of Michi­gan, Ann Ar­bor. He held one man shows at the J. Wal­ter Thomp­son Co. in New York City, the J.L. Hud­son Co. in Detroit, Le Gal­leries de Rene in Grosse Pointe Park, Mich., and the Wright Gallery in Birm­ing­ham, Mich. He is listed in the Smith­so­nian Archives of Amer­i­can Art.

Domingo truly loved hu­man­ity and see­ing be­yond all of its bro­ken­ness. He painted us and sent forth the light he saw. An ide­al­ist, a man of the high­est moral val­ues, he wanted de­cency and jus­tice to pre­vail and de­vel­oped God’s gift of artis­tic tal­ent to that end. All the while he knew and stated to his daugh­ter that no mat­ter how beau­ti­ful or won­der­ful an artist’s cre­ation is, it can never equal the cre­ation of God. His fam­ily and friends are grate­ful for his pres­ence in their lives a gift of God’s grace. He will live in our hearts al­ways.

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