• State: North Carolina

It is with my deepest sorrow and sadness to pass along the news that my beautiful, loving, warrior of a wife Charlene Kozloff passed away, Saturday night at 8PM at UF Shands Hospital in Gainesville, Florida, peacefully and without any pain or suffering. 
Charlene is survived by her devoted husband Scott, our daughter Elle, our son Simon, our son Alex, her sister Julia, and her brother Charles, in addition to a plethora of step family members. Charlene was a beloved aunt, niece, cousin, and friend/mentor to so many others. Charlene battled breast cancer for over a decade, up to and including her passing state of Stage 4 Metastatic BRCA 1 Genetic Breast Cancer, which she ferociously battled for the last four years. This horrible disease finally brought on too many side effects for her body to fight at the same time. Her body was a battlefield, needing many soldiers to attack and win this great war with cancer; unfortunately for Charlene, her soldiers were so dilapidated and exhausted from fighting this battle day after day for what seemed like an eternity to continue with the reserve and the reinforcements to complete the raging war emanating from her precious body and soul. Charlene was the rock that shaped her family, the warrior princess who birthed three adorable, intelligent, and loving children, all of whom will miss her guidance, unconditional love, and profound understanding of the need for spirituality. God is now with Charlene on her final journey to heaven.

This organization sent my family numerous grocery gift cards and other family support the last few years.

This group is a 92% four-star metastatic cancer non-profit, as vetted by Charity Navigator, and one of Charlene’s favorites. 

Joshua 1:9
9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”



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