In her early years, she attended Aurora Public Schools. Along the way, she followed in her father's footsteps and pursued track and field, where she competed as a sprinter and hurdler and built friendships across the city. She competed well for her academic institutions and attended Hastings College after graduating...
Robert Lee Franklin Jr., affectionately known as “Bobby”, “Baub,” and “Mellow 1,” was born in Denver, Colorado on November 18, 1947, from the union of Robert Lee Franklin, Sr. and LaVonne Gloria Anderson. He was the younger of their two children and attended Cole Junior High and East High School...
Mrs. Karren Donald January 12, 1942 to March 2, 2021 Karren Donald was born on January 12, 1942 in Kansas City, Missouri. She was the youngest daughter of John Cope and Electa Watson. Her sister Nancy Hayes and half-sister JoAnn and half-brother John preceded her in death. Karren graduated from...
Laura Lee Hamilton was born in Bryan, Texas on September 20, 1922 to George and Mary Newton. Laura was the oldest born to this union. She was the protector of her three brothers, Robert, Gloster and Curtis; and three sisters Ella, Nancy and Doris. On April 10, 1944, she united...
The life of James J. A. Holden (Joey) began when he blessed his parents, Dr. James J. Holden, PhD and Ruth G. Holden on July 17, 1956 in Denver Colorado. James was the first born of their three children, a brother Timmothy Audwin (Timmy) and sister, Leta Ruth (Nina). James...
On May 18, 1931 in Tyler, Texas, the sun rose on the life of Ellen Morgan, born to her proud parents, George and Carrie Wheeler. Ellen was the fourth child of nine children in the family. Ellen accepted Christ at an early age and was an active member of Mt....
Wayne Allan Carroll was born on February 28,1961, in Denver, Colorado to Dolly W. Wilson and Roy S. Carroll. He was a loving father, son, brother, uncle, nephew, cousin, and close friend. He was the youngest of four children. Wayne grew up in Parkhill and was educated through Denver Public...
Mr. Miles Beauford Edwards was born in Henderson, Texas December 27, 1942, to the late Mrs. Willie B. Edwards and the late Mr. Ervin Edwards. Miles and his nine siblings moved to Colorado from Henderson Texas at an early age. Miles attended High School in Henderson Texas and Graduated. Miles...
Those we love remain with us for love itself lives on, And cherished memories never fade Because a loved one’s gone. . . Those we love can never be more than a thought apart For as long as there is memory, they’ll live on in the heart. John Sherman, Jr....
Tavarus Troy Sentil Thomas was born on August 11, 1981, in Thomasville, GA. To his parent Brenda Joyce Smith and Chester Wesley Thomas, who proceeded him in death. Troy was blessed with a dad in Reginald Dale Canada. Troy was the baby of the family surrounded with love and joy....
On August 31, 1945, God sent me to Denver Colorado, into the loving arms of Lula and Cleveland Mallard. Upon my arrival, I discovered I had a big sister, Betty Lou. Betty was curious about me and how I worked. I remember her examining my fingers to see just how...
As beautiful as a rose to see, was her life she lived so gracefully. She made things precious by her touch; her selfless love lives on in each of us. The petals of her life fell one by one; each a gift of her heart till there were none. Yet...
The sun rose on the life of Jean’Marquris Deshà Stewart on December 24, 1998, in Denver, Colorado. A blessing from the Lord Almighty, Jean’Marquis was born to Eric Stewart and Kenya Moss. He was the last of three children to join this family. and was truly a momma’s boy from...
Those we love remain with us for love itself lives on, And cherished memories never fade Because a loved one’s gone. . . Those we love can never be more than a thought apart For as long as there is memory, they’ll live on in the heart. Joelle Latrice Macklin...
Lillian “Miki” Galloway died on Monday, July 5, 2021 was born in Mott, North Dakota, 1948 to Josephine Charging Eagle and Charles Byington. Denver has been her home since 1969. Working to support her family, she retired from Xerox in 2013. She enjoyed reading and was always a brilliant strategist...
As beautiful as a rose to see, was her life she lived so gracefully. She made things precious by her touch; her selfless love lives on in each of us. The petals of her life fell one by one; each a gift of her heart till there were none. Yet...
Kelwin Howard Burrell, Jr. died peacefully on Tuesday, October 26, 2021, in Denver, CO. He was born in Chicago, IL, on March 20, 1936. He was the second child and the first and only son of Kelwin Burrell, Sr., and English immigrant, Rosalie (Bruno) Burrell. Kelwin and his sister Joan...
Aura Enciso Johnson was born May 19, 1969, in Bicol, Philippines to her parents Fermin Nale and Rita Enciso. She was raised surrounded by nine siblings, which include three brothers and six sisters; Agnes Nale, Alma Nale, Alex Nale, Angel Nale, Fermin Nale, Jr., Almida Nale, Ashley Nale, Alona Nale,...
Life’s Journey Murry Cooper To plant a seed in one’s heart…to root it in love… To nourish it with time spent together… Yields a blossom that will flourish forever. Murry Cooper was born on September 29, 1938, in Beaumont, Texas, to his parents, Marion Cooper, Sr., and Mary Teal Cooper....
Jessie “Jazzy” Henry Scott was born in Omaha, Nebraska on September 22, 1951, the second-born child of Dorothy Lee Spencer. Jessie shared his childhood with his three brothers, Arthur, Randolph and Jerome and two sisters, Genora and Sheila. In Jr. High School, Jessie was the only boy in an all-girls...
Michael Carl Cobb was the first-born child to Willie T. Cobb and Rosetta Mayfield Cobb on October 25, 1959, in Monroe, Louisiana. He didn’t take his roll of being the oldest sibling lightly and made it his responsibility to look after his 4 siblings: brothers, Donald, John, and Vaughn and...