• Date Of Birth: March 25, 2021
  • Date Of Death: January 3, 2022
  • State: New Jersey


Wilvison Vincent was born on Thursday, March 25th, 2021, at 8:42 p.m. to parents Micilene and Wilson Vincent at the Beth Israel of Newark. He weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounce and was 20.5 inches long. 

Wilvison’s family was blessed with 9 beautiful and fun-filled months. Wilvison, before he went to his heavenly home in the late hours of January 3rd. Wilvison experienced hugs and kisses from his family and friends, listening and dancing to his daddy DJ, and being told “I love you” an uncountable amount of times. Wilvison is deeply loved by his mommy and daddy, big brothers Mickendy and Williamson, his big sisters Wiljina and Wiliana, his grandparents Denise Pierre, Silvilla Pierre, Wilfred Vincent, his aunts Wilmine, Pierre-Rose, Wilanda, Mideline, Pharanise, Daphne, Wislene, Chedelene, and uncles Wislin, Joanel, Senatus, his cousins Fadia, Ketia, Johanna, Wodline, Muracia, Ceceline, Mideline, Sigline, Briana, Amelia, Esther, Natalie, Kiko, Wood, Mano, Joanesby, Tchoupa, Judson, Majistra Tcharly, Schneiden, Jayden, Michelet, Sammy, Dashawn, and many more. Last but not least Rebecca, Esther, and their parents’ Mr. and Mrs. Ezekial (thank you for all the love, support and care that you gave Bear), Justin and Money Gang. Wilvison will always remain his parents’ precious baby and siblings’ little brother, and they will hold him again in heaven one day.


 Wilvison Vincent te fèt jedi 25 mas 2021 a 8:42 p.m. bay paran Micilene ak Wilson Vincent nan Beth Israel nan Newark. Li te peze 8 liv, 4 ons e li te 20.5 pous nan longè.

Fanmi Wilvison te beni ak 9 bèl mwa ki te ranpli anpil plezi. Wilvison, anvan li te ale lakay li nan syèl la nan fen nwit la jou ki te 3 janvye 2022. Wilvison te fè eksperyans akolad ak bo nan men fanmi li ak zanmi l ‘, koute ak danse DJ papa l’, epi yo te di “Mwen renmen ou” yon kantite tan inonbliab.

Wilvison renmen anpil pa manman l ak papa l, gwo frè Mickendy ak Williamson, gwo sè l Wiljina ak Wiliana, granparan l Denise Pierre, Silvilla Pierre, Wilfred Vincent, matant li Wilmine, Pierre-Rose, Wilanda, Mideline, Pharanise, Daphne, Wislene, Chedelene, ak tonton Wislin, Joanel, Senatus, kouzen li yo Fadia, Ketia, Johanna, Wodline, Muracia, Ceceline, Mideline, Sigline, Briana, Amelia, Esther, Natalie, Kiko, Wood, Mano, Joanesby, Tchoupa, Judson, Majistra Tcharly, Schneiden, Jayden, Michelet, Sammy, Dashawn, Bekens ak anpil plis. Denye men pa pi piti Rebecca, Esther, ak Mesye ak Madam Ezekial paran yo (mèsi pou tout lanmou, sipò ak swen ou te bay Bear) Justin, ak Money Gang. Wilvison ap toujou rete ti bebe presye paran li yo ak ti frè ak sè yo, epi yo pral kenbe l ankò nan syèl la yon denye jou.



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