- Date Of Death: February 1, 2022
- State: New Jersey
Victor M. Arata Ortega, 46, of Harrison passed away on February 1, 2022 surrounded by his loving family. Victor was the beloved son of Nelly and Victor Arata, devoted brother of Vanessa Jablonsky and her husband Steven, loving uncle of Bryan and his fiancée Ashley, Nicolas and his girlfriend Maria, and Justin. Cherished nephew of Willy and cousin of Melissa, Oscar and Nicole. Victor enjoyed boxing, traveling to and from Peru with his family, his favorite 80’s cartoon show was He-Man & The Masters of the Universe. But what Victor loved doing most was to spend time with his beloved nephews Bryan, Nicolas & Justin. Victor will be truly missed.
Victor M. Arata Ortega, 46 años, de Harrison, falleció el 1 de febrero de 2022 rodeado de su amorosa familia. Victor era el hijo amado de Nelly y Victor Arata, hermano devoto de Vanessa Jablonsky y su esposo Steven, tío amoroso de Bryan y su prometida Ashley, Nicolas y su novia Maria, y Justin. Querido sobrino de Willy y primo de Melissa, Oscar y Nicole.
A Víctor le gustaba el boxeo, viajar hacia y desde Perú con su familia, su programa de dibujos animados favorito de los 80 era He-Man & The Masters of the Universe. Pero lo que más le gustaba hacer a Víctor era pasar tiempo con sus queridos sobrinos Bryan, Nicolas y Justin. Víctor será realmente extrañado.
Una misa de entierro cristiano se celebrará a las 10:30 am en la Iglesia de la Santa Cruz, Harrison.
El entierro seguirá en el cementerio de Holy Cross, North Arlington.