- Date Of Birth: March 25, 1974
- Date Of Death: March 24, 2019
- State: Connecticut
March 25, 1974 – March 24, 2019
Tyler’s life was a series of peaks and valleys, not unsimilar to most lives, except he chose to climb high peaks and explore deep sunless valleys. The contrasts of the two must have been a primary thing he chose to explore while breathing the same air we all do. He came among us armed with what should have allowed him to sail through life, much like his younger brother, David. He was handsome, and yes, in our culture that is an advantage…and had a razor-sharp intellect that could detect bullshit a mile away. He should have sailed through school, but school was a second stringer for Ty. He had the brains for it, just not the interest. After failing every test in advanced math his senior year at NFA he needed an A in the final to pass the course and graduate. Without studying he aced the final. Degrees didn’t matter much to Tyler, but he could discuss any topic with anyone.
Tyler was as physically gifted as anyone I had ever known. He was voted Freshman class athlete for his prowess in football, wrestling and baseball. He eventually won the state championship in wrestling at 125 lbs. In his senior year he was voted class partier…hmmm. These are the things, right or wrong, we tend to value in our country. But they are not the things that make us grieve his loss. What we grieve is the loss of his smile, which he gave most freely to his two nephews, Chase and Luca, and especially to Dolly, his beloved dog. He gave himself full permission to expose how deeply he loved to these three. We saw what he felt for us in how he loved Chase, Luca and Dolly.
And then there was his humor, that more often than not had us gasping for air we were laughing so hard. He loved laughing at his own wit, which could politely be described as anti-politically correct. His laugh itself would makes us laugh. It can only be described as a warlock-like cackle that seemed to indicate to those that heard it… “you know you shouldn’t be laughing at this.” The laugh itself seemed to hold a secret. The first time I heard his ‘screaming woman’ ring tone on his phone I nearly vomited I laughed so hard. He smiled, looked at me and gave me his warlock-like cackle. I laughed harder.
Finally there is this. Tyler was brave, like a hero warrior facing down the demon every day for thirty years. The difference is that Tyler’s enemy was intent on destroying everything we grieve about losing with his passing. His enemy’s goal was to destroy his soul and should it also destroy his body so be it. Tyler lost his body, but never gave up his soul. His enemy lost because Tyler was brave enough to leave behind in our hearts all those things we cherished most about him.