- Date Of Birth: October 25, 1925
- Date Of Death: December 31, 2020
- State: California
Shun Qiang Wang, a native of Nanhai, Guangdong, China, was born in Shanghai on October 25, 1925 and was the fifth of 11 children in his family. His father, Kai Wang, was the founder of the Wang Kai Photo Studio, which was very well known in Shanghai. His mother, Meng Liang, was a hard-working and capable Cantonese woman who passed away when he was young. His father expected him to eventually take over the photo studio and manage the business. When he was 17 years old, the Second World War was raging around the world and Japan had invaded and occupied China. Shun Qiang left Shanghai with his friends and went to Chengdu, Sichuan to attend high school. After finishing high school, he was admitted to the Department of Chemistry at Jingling University, specializing in photography. After the end of the Second World War and the victory against Japan, he moved to Nanjing with Jingling University since the Japanese no longer occupied the city. He then completed his studies and graduated from Jingling University in 1947, earning a Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry.
In 1948, Shun Qiang started working at the Wang Kai photo studio founded by his father to learn photography skills and management, serving as a manager. During this time, he developed the techniques to print natural color photos.
After 1949, under the rule of the new Chinese Communist Party government, Shun Qiang continued to serve as a technical manager.
After experiencing various movements under the Communist government, during the Cultural Revolution, Shun Qiang was detained by the Red Guards for more than 40 days because he was born in a capitalist family.
After retiring in 1990, Shun Qiang’s youngest daughter, who was living in the United States, applied for his immigration to the U.S. which occurred in 1994. Shun Qiang Wang eventually became a U.S. Citizen, a fact he was enormously proud of. Once in the U.S., he was baptized into the Catholic faith, taking the baptismal name of “Peter.” On the same day he was baptized at Saint Thomas Aquinas Parish in Monterey Park, he was confirmed and received First Communion. Shun Qiang Wang was characterized by many good qualities. He was righteous, kind, humble, selfless, considerate, generous, helpful, and always satisfied. He set a good example for his family. After many years of happy and peaceful retirement, he passed away on December 31, 2020 at the age of 95, returning to our heavenly Father.
Shun Qiang Wang is survived by Ying Cai Lu, his wife of 66 years, brothers Richard Wang and Lester Wang, sisters Flora Chang and Cynthia Hsu, daughters Mary Wang-Sugg and Lily Kao, and grandsons David Sugg, Patrick Kao, and Andrew Kao.
Shun Qiang Wang was preceded in death by parents Wang Kai and Liang Meng, brothers Shun Zhao Wang, Shun Hua Wang, Phillip Wang, and sisters Shi Song Wang, Betty Wang and Jesse Wu.
在他17歲那年,第二次世界大戰席捲全球,日本入侵並佔領了中國。 他和朋友一起離開上海,去了四川成都讀高中。高中畢業後,他考入了金陵大學化學系攝影專業。 第二次世界大戰結束和抗日戰爭勝利後,他隨金陵大學遷回南京,直到完成了學業,並獲得了理工科學士學位。
1948年,他開始在父親創立的王照相館工作,學習攝影技术和管理,並擔任經理。 秉承父親“人無我有”的意旨,對外開展了天然五彩拍攝和印放業務,成爲全國第一家有五彩攝影服務的照相館,並爲中國絲綢進出口公司拍攝出口服裝照片。
1949年後,在新中國共產黨政府的統治下,他繼續擔任技術經理。 在1950年代,國外旅遊團来中國參觀旅遊,帶進了柯達五彩負片,当時拍攝後必須寄回美國柯達廠才能冲洗,因廠方不會公開冲洗的配方,國内無法冲洗,而政府規定未經冲洗的軟片不能带出國外,為此國外遊客深感遺憾。政府希望老字號王開照相館能研究出冲洗方法來。他利用大學的化學知識,經過多次反複試驗,成功開發了柯達五彩負片冲洗技術,使得柯達五彩負片,能在中國冲洗成彩色照片。
1990年退休。在1994年,由居住在美國的小女兒申請移民,到美國定居。就在同一年,他信奉了天主,在聖汤馬斯天主教堂领受圣洗,堅貞,接受了第一次聖餐。 他爲人正直善良,謙虛無私,寬宏大量,帮助家人,體貼家庭,知足常樂,為晚輩樹立了做人的榜樣。 度過多年的幸福和平安的退休生活。他於2020年12月31日去世,享年95歲,囘到主的懷抱。