- Date Of Birth: January 23, 1995
- Date Of Death: May 6, 2018
- State: Colorado
Ryan Everett Vincent was born on January 23, 1995 in Federal Way, Washington to Robert and Susie (Carlson) Vincent. He made an impression from an early age! Ryan came into this world via emergency C-section the day before he was scheduled to arrive. The day he came home, Federal Way experienced a 5.0 earthquake (the strongest in that area in 30 years). In June 1995, we (Dad, Mom, sister Katie and dog Duchess) moved to Colorado. He attended Timberline Elementary, where he learned and practiced the lattice method of multiplication, developed a love for baseball, and was obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine. He spent countless hours building train tracks and turned our family room floor into a railyard for a few years. Later, Ryan attended Thunder Ridge Middle School and Cherokee Trail High School, where his skill and love for sports only grew. To say that Ryan loved baseball is an understatement. He started in T-ball and played into high school. He came into his own when he switched from pitcher/1st base to the other side of the plate as catcher. When he no longer played high school ball, he discovered a passion for umpiring baseball. He committed himself to being the best he could be. He took his training and responsibility seriously, and enjoyed being in a position to help encourage and teach younger baseball players to respect the game. When he wasn’t umpiring or playing, Ryan loved watching the Colorado Rockies! He spent most home opener days at Coors Field instead of school. He lost his first tooth at a Rockies game. But he wasn’t restricted to baseball; he became an avid football fan. For most of his life, he was a Denver Broncos fan. He rebelled as a teenager, and decided he was an Oakland Raiders fan. Eventually, he tired of his parents’ (empty) threats to make him sleep outside, and devoted his loyalty to the Baltimore Ravens. Ryan’s love for baseball was second only to his love for Christ and others. At age 17, Ryan accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. His life was never the same! He became immersed in his youth group at Calvary Chapel Aurora and was baptized the following year. The past two years brought a spiritual maturity to an already extraordinary young man. He would do anything for anybody. Ryan had the heart of a servant, beginning with buying diapers with his tithing money to donate to the Colorado Family Life Center. He served at the Denver Rescue Mission and The Crossing.