Richard Tyler Lange, Jr.

 United States

  • Date Of Birth: April 29, 1959
  • Date Of Death: January 21, 2022
  • State: Colorado

Friends of Richard Tyler Lange, Jr. are sad to announce the death of their good friend. Richard was born on April 29, 1959, and passed away at 62 years of age at home, on January 21, 2022.

Richard continued his father’s hay business until his death, serving many loyal clients at his operation on Fowler Street in Canon City.  

He is survived by an uncle and his family, who reside in New Jersey. He had no other immediate family.

Richard is preceded in death by his parents, Richard T. Lange, Sr. and Florine Diminni Lange. 

While lacking in family, Richard was rich in friends and his fun-loving personality and hearty laugh have been greatly missed.


“Richard, we didn’t have a chance to say goodbye

Your memory is our keepsake

With which we’ll never part

God has you in His keeping

We have you in our hearts.”


Submitted in the name of a host of friends

by: Gini Springmeyer

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