- Date Of Birth: November 15, 1930
- Date Of Death: February 6, 2021
- State: Minnesota
Lois Helen Jenkins LeVesque passed on to her new life on February 6, 2021. Her first life altering event occurred on January 7, 2018 upon the death of her beloved soul mate, Everett, after 67 years of marriage. As Winnie the Pooh remarks “How lucky I am to have someone that makes saying goodbye so hard.”
Married in the early 50’s and gifted two children: Debra Renee and Jamie Leigh and adopted son, David Anderson in the 70’s. David’s talented wife Theresa bore him three fantastic children: Brendan, Peter and Trisha Marie. Daughter Debra has two children; Adie Mae Callahan and Michael Sullivan. Jamie has one daughter; Reagen Jenkins. Also, I was blessed to have six great-grandchildren; Kelsie, Drew Everett, Denver, Aida, Merritt and Soren. Lois is also survived by her sister; Jan LeVesque, Minneapolis, Minnesota. In essence our and their greatest joy is family. We are so proud and grateful for each one and all their accomplishments.
Lois graduated Columbia Heights High School and from early on, sought goodness and justice and became a lifetime activist. She taught Sunday School, sang in the Methodist choir and held multiple leadership roles in their Hoyt Lake church. Her activism promoted peace and justice for all humanity.
She worked tirelessly on countless environmental and animal issues, advocating harmony and wise use of our natural resources.
Lois was the Northeast coordinator to end the Viet Nam war rally – a statewide coalition held at an overflowed Metropolitan stadium in 1971. Lois and Ev were fund raisers for Senate and Government positions in their home, often. She worked and testified in Ely to help create our awesome BWCA National Park.
An avid duplicate bridge player throughout many years. Some 500 tables in Duluth for the Paul Bunyan tourney and countless city competitions.
Lois was proud of her baking preparations, believing that food personified love.
Her mother, a gifted musician, nurtured her love of music. She sang in the large East Range Choral group – the Messia and Easter music.
She lived and loved life to it’s fulness, and left her imprint on the goodness and well being of our fragile planet via her credo – “No man is an island, entire of itself. Every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main and therefore never send to know for whom the bell toll.”