- Date Of Birth: June 18, 1918
- Date Of Death: January 9, 2010
- State: North Carolina
Mr. James Nelson Cotten
Mr. James Nelson Cotten, age 91, passed on Saturday, January 9, 2010.
Wake: one hour before the service.
He is survived by: Son, James William (Carol) of Irvington, NJ and their family: daughter, Cynthia C. Newkirk (Charlie) of Pittsboro, NC. Their children are LaVar Cotten, Charlie Newkirk, IV, LaChae’ Newkirk and Dior Norman, Louisburg College, Louisburg, NC.. Their granddaughter is LaVar’s daughter, Lauren Olivia. Sons, Todd Scott of NJ and Troy Lindsay of Jamaica. His children are Troy J., Todd Lindsay and Tailyn. Taylor Lindsay predeceased his grandfather. Daughter, Twana of Irvington, NJ. Her children are Sherond Monique, Tiffany Shada and Scott Al’Lee. Her grandchildren are Shaquan Lamar, Niquan Isaiah, Sharena and Aihyna. Daughter, Christina Ray of Irvington, NJ. Her children are Andre and Jamora. Daughter, Jennifer Ray of Irvington, NJ.
Daughter, Julia Marie Leigh of Rocky Hill, CT. Her daughter is Pamela and her grandchildren of Hartford, CT.
Daughter, Ruby Violet Bynum (Donald) of Chapel Hill, NC. Their daughter is JaCin’ta Bynum Frazier (James) of Bloomfield, CT. Their children are Janae of Elon University, Elon, NC and james Tre’. Their pet cats are BeBe and CeCe. Daughter, Pamela Bynum Edwards of Graham, NC. Her daughter, Asia. Daughter, Monisia Bynum Farrington (Ryan) of Graham, NC. Their child is Kysterpher of Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, NC. Their pet dogs are Koby and Keng. Ruby and Donald’s pet dog is Tano.
Daughter, Phyllis Ann Cotten Fearrington of Chapel Hill, NC. Her child is Lamont of Durham, NC. Lamont’s children are Chandlier of Atlanta, GA and McKenzie. Phyllis and McKenzie shared pet dogs are Polkadot and DeOoGe. They also shared Mr. August “AugE” a rescued potbellied piglet. He was adopted by the Durham Museum of Life and Science and is a part of the Petting Zoo.
Son, Nelson Junior of Durham, NC. His children are Andre’Jermaine and Angela Renee.
He is also survived by in-laws, Earlene (wife of the late Henry) Fearrington of Philadelphia, PA; Mary (wife of the late Bobby) Cotton of Statesville, NC and Pete (husband of the late Maggie Cotten) Farrington, VA. He is survived by aunts; Grace Lynn Avery, Chapel Hill, NC and Evelyn Lynn Faulk of Pittsboro, NC. He is also survived by many nieces, nephews, cousins and friends.