• Date Of Death: January 24, 2012
  • State: Illinois

Merritt Austin King, age 93, passed away in his home on the morning of January 24, 2012. Merritt was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on December 2, 1918, the son of Charles and Ruth King. He moved to Geneva in 1928 and was a graduate of Geneva High School, class of 1939. He was united in marriage to Lynne Pearson on December 6, 1944 in London, England while serving in the U.S. Army in World War II. Merritt is survived by his daughters Alison and Lesley (Danny) Dimmick, both of Geneva. He was preceded in death by his wife of 50 years, Lynne, in 1994 and his son Bryan in 1967.

City of Geneva:

Present Vice Chairman and Secretary Kane County Public Building Commission under several mayors, since 1989, attending last meeting on December 19, 2011.

Former Alderman of Ward Two for twenty-eight years, elected to seven 4-year terms

Former Mayor Pro Tem, twelve years

During 7 Terms as Alderman served as Chairman Streets and Walks

Committee, Parking Committee, Intergovernmental Relations Committee

Former member City of Geneva’s Zoning Board of Appeals, 4 years

Was responsible for suggesting and implementing the installation of

Geneva’s Historic Third Street gas lamps with support from Third Street Merchants, the Post Office and the Kane County Court House.

Civic Involvement:

Historian Emeritus, Geneva History Center

Member of the Board of Directors, Geneva Historical Society, 1976-1992

Life Membership, Geneva Historical Society (now known as Geneva History Center)

Member Geneva Township Senior Center Advisory Board 2006-2008

Volunteer at the Butterfly House of Peck Farm Park, 2004-2008

Former member Illinois State Toll Highway Advisory Committee (20 years)

Grand Marshall of Geneva Swedish Days Parade 1998

Medinah Temple, Shriner

Member, Fox Valley Shrine Club

Past Commander of American Legion Post #75

Historian and Life Member, American Legion Post #75

Geneva Township Republican Precinct Committeeman (1947-2006)

Achieved rank of Eagle Scout, active in scouting

United States Army:

Army War College Mapping, Washington, D. C.

Engineer School, Fort Belvoir, Virginia

4 1/2 years WWII Engineer Mapping Intelligence, Office of Chief Engineer under Major General Ruybold

Decorated Veteran – Purple Heart, Bronze Star, Air Medal, Presidential Unit Citation, French Croix de Guerre, 4 Battle Stars

D-Day +3 Survivor, Omaha Beach

Flew 9 Missions Aerial Photo Reconnaissance over Germany and France

Served 3 1/2 years overseas in Germany, France, England, Belgium, Africa, Egypt

Received 3 Citations from the Corps of Engineers

Charter Member of Topographic Engineer

Life Member 7th Photo Recon Group

In recognition of his valor while a member of the U.S. Army, Merritt was awarded the French Legion of Honor, Chevalier, by the French Government on October 13, 2008. The award is in recognition of his valor while a member of the United States Army in the liberation of France during World War II. The French Legion of Honor Medal is the highest honor that France can bestow upon those who have accomplished remarkable deeds for France.

Merritt enjoyed many sports, excelling in track, football and basketball at Geneva High School earning him the lifetime nickname of “Speed.” As an adult he loved sailing, shooting skeet, and playing golf. He was thrilled to experience four holes-in-one over his lifetime.

He owned and operated King Heating and Air Conditioning in Geneva for many years.

Merritt was also honored to have flown on the second flight to Washington D.C.

Honor Flight Chicago was founded to recognize our Veterans a” most specifically our WWII Veterans a€” with a day of honor, remembrance and celebration from a proud and grateful nation.

Honor Flight Chicago 938 W Montana St, Chicago, IL 60614

Geneva Beautification Committee c/o City of Geneva, 22 S. First St. Geneva, IL 60134

The Geneva Giving Program c/o City of Geneva, 22 S. First St. Geneva, IL 60134

Honor Flight Chicago, 938 W. Montana St., Chicago, IL 60614.

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