• Date Of Birth: November 28, 1924
  • Date Of Death: January 13, 2022
  • State: New Jersey

Dodo, from his whole name, Joseph Andronique Alexandre, was born in Jacmel, South East of Haiti, on November 28, 1924, from his late mother and father Marie Marguerite Benjamin, and Daniel Alexandre. After resuming his elementary school at the  “Frères de l’instruction Chtétienne”, of his native home town, he went to Port-au-Prince for further endeavour.

Father of 7 kids, Machli, Jean Daniel, Claude, Jephté, Lydie, Magkayla, and Gregy, he was a great human being, with a profound sense of respect, decency and honesty. He cherished his family and relatives, that he was beloved from. 
Since  he was baptized as Christian Jehovah’ s witness on January 22, 1966, he served faithfully  his God, with love and devotion, until his death on January 13, 2022, at the age of 97. After his baptism, he engaged in missionary service, were he pioneered for almost two decades, preaching, and teaching God’s words  in several regions of Haiti, showing to many, the  way for salvation. As a matter of fact, he went from city to city, village to village, and door to door preaching  in the assigned regions, and their surroundings,  like Cap Haitian, Ouanaminthe, Terrier Rouge, Grand Bassin, Montrouis, and Arcahaie, were he spent the most part of his tenure as a pioneer.

 Outlived him, his wife Yvona Alexandre, his daughter Magkayla Alexander, his sons Gregy Alexander, Jephte Alexandre, Claude Alexandre, Jean Daniel Alexandre, and Machli Alexandre, his grandsons and grandaugthers, Brian Alexander, Arthur Alexandre, Macheleina Alexandre, Keturah Alexandre, Mary Keannah Alexandre, Magandson Jean Gilles, David Alexandre, Ethan Jean Gilles,  Scott Alexandre, Soreyah Alexander, Timothee Alexandre, and Asher Jean Gilles.  Furthermore,  outlived him also, his daughters and law, Marie Liliane Alexandre, Marie Julie Alexandre, Dadria Alexander, Judith Alexandre, and Micheleine Alexandre Perrier, and his numerous cousins, as long in Haiti, as overseas, profoundly grieving for his death.
The fundamental Bible teaching, about resurrection, that will pave the way to the “New World”, for eternal life, under Christ leadership, is what Joseph Andronique Alexandre believed in, and which hope, we all share. Therefore, we’re are waiting impatiently this consequential promise found in John 5:28, ” Don’t be surprised, time is coming where everyone that is awaiting in the “thumb of Souvenir”, will hear His voice, and come out. All all them that walked in righteousness, will be resurrected for eternal life…”

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