• Date Of Birth: June 20, 2022
  • Date Of Death: June 20, 2022
  • State: Massachusetts

Jonah James Cadorette was born at 6:05 PM on June 20th, 2022, at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, MA. The sun beamed through the window, but it was his peaceful energy that lit up the entire room. Jonah passed away in his mothers arms within the same hour he was born, living long enough to feel the loving embrace of his parents. In our 20th week of pregnancy we learned that Jonah had a condition that was not compatible with life outside the womb. His body was made perfectly-just not fit for life on Earth. There was nothing we could do to change this. We were told our options and of the possibilities that came with them. Every option felt impossible but for us it only made sense to continue on with the pregnancy and celebrate him while he was with us. We hoped to carry him to term and meet him alive, however our doctors told us many times these wishes may not be possible with his condition. After a beautiful and healthy pregnancy, our hopes were achieved- Jonah was born alive. Jonah’s time on earth may have been limited but it was full of the best things life has to offer- the love and laughter of family, and the constant comfort of his mother. Jonah’s older sister Lucy always offered to share her snacks and pacifier with him, and gave him many kisses and hugs. They bonded by gently kicking each other every night while their mother attempted to rest. Jonah loved to be spoken to and in quiet moments he would roll around until his mother talked, sang or read out loud to him. He was read the entire story “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho, as well as the many books Lucy would pick out each day. He enjoyed music, and kicked as soon as he heard Lucy say “hi mama!” first thing each morning. Jonah always enjoyed the warm, comforting touch of his fathers hands. The pregnancy was not easy knowing what was to come, but we put our trust in Jonah. Even in the most painful moments we could not help but feel a profound sense of peace from him. Every second was treasured.There is never enough time spent with our children while we are here. Each life is so fragile, and the truth is that none of us have as much control as we think. The only thing left to do is to accept and cherish life as it comes, however it presents itself. This reminder is one of the many sacred gifts Jonah has given us. The physical pain of losing a child is tremendous, but the love intertwined within our spirits is so much bigger. It has no beginning and no end. We treasure the fact that our son knew nothing but love and safety throughout his physical existence. Even in his final moments, he never experienced pain, fear, or suffering. Jonah’s entire life was peace. We are so honored that he chose us to be his parents, it brings us deep joy to know that we gave our son the opportunity to know the meaning of unconditional love. Jonah James is survived by his mother, father and big sister. All of his loving grandparents, great grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends who got to know him while he was growing into the beautiful baby boy we were privileged to meet. We are deeply grateful for the team of doctors who watched over him, the care of our wonderful midwife, the support and love of our friends and family, and everyone who celebrated Jonah’s life with us on our journey.

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