- Date Of Birth: January 20, 1925
- Date Of Death: June 22, 2018
- State: Illinois
John A. Reiser, Jr., 93, of Ashland, died Friday, June 22, 2018, St. John’s Hospitalin Springfield, following an acute illness.
He was born Jan. 20, 1925, in rural Pleasant Plains, the son of John A. Reiser, Sr.and Mary Miller Reiser.
He married Alice Conkey on Dec. 29, 1945, at St. Augustine Church in Ashland,and she survives.
He is also survived by two daughters, Jill (James) Coy of Pleasant Plains and JudyReiser of Ashland; one son, James Reiser of Ashland; seven grandchildren, Sarah(James) Skeeters, Justin Coy, Michelle (Bruce) Motto, Marsha Reiser, Cheryl(Brad) Hermes, Clayton Reiser, and Ainsley (Kip) McDaniel; step granddaughter,Amber Large; twelve great grandchildren; and two great-great grandchildren. Hewas preceded in death by his parents; son, Jack Reiser (LouAnn); grandson, MarkReiser (Natalie); and brother, Robert Reiser (Joan).
Mr. Reiser was a 1942 graduate of Ashland High School, where he earned his StateFFA degree. A life-long livestock and grain farmer, John was a leader in theagricultural industry. He represented Amchem Products Inc., making informativepresentations on soybean production in many different states throughout thecountry. He hosted tours on his farm for representatives from several countriesinterested in soybean production, including the New Zealand Minister ofAgriculture. He partnered with the University of Illinois to perform Research andDevelopment on his farm to produce new varieties of soybeans. He held thedesignation of Master Farmer. John was the National Soybean Grower Contestwinner for several years. A recipient of the Ford Motor Company Farm EfficiencyAward, he was an Honorary Life Member in the American Soybean Association.
He was a member of St. Augustine Church, served on the St. Augustine CemeteryBoard, and also served as past President of the Ashland Lions Club. John enjoyedwoodworking in his shop and especially loved watching his children andgrandchildren play ball.