Jennifer Louise Jacobs

 United States

  • Date Of Birth: 1945
  • Date Of Death: 2022
  • State: Arizona

Jennifer Louise Jacobs, aged 77

Jennifer devoted her life to helping others. She became interested in Human Rights at a very young age and focused her considerable energies on those who could not fight for themselves. For thirty years Jennifer chaired the Lebrun Foundation through which she donated and raised funds for various organizations such as CARE, The International Rescue Committee, Vive and Canisius College. Jennifer personally supported Amnesty International, St. Mary’s Food Bank, The Humane Society and Planned Parenthood.

Jennifer’s political activities and draft counseling resulted in her being included on then-President Richard Nixon’s infamous “enemies list.” Jennifer was proud that her actions made a positive change and wore her inclusion on Nixon’s “enemies list” as a badge of honor.

Jennifer was a lifelong learner with a keen appreciation for the arts. She held season tickets to The Met and to the Arizona Opera Company for decades. She continued to read and study throughout her life. Jennifer could converse on nearly any subject.

Jennifer’s career took her from Buffalo to San Francisco to Manhattan. Jennifer had a quiet impact on every place she lived. When she came to a new city Jennifer became involved. She joined intellectual and art communities. She made lifelong, dear friends. And she sought out the organizations which focused on immigrants, refugees and the neediest in the community. She would then offer her services and tremendous skills to help steer boards and committees.

Jennifer was lured by sunshine and family to create a second home in Phoenix many decades ago. She became known in her Echo Canyon Community as the hostess of the most beautiful and elegant parties. Whether it was a small group over to enjoy pizza and wine, or beautiful dinner party for her hundreds of neighbors, Jennifer exuded elegance, and fun. Jennifer loved her neighbors in Echo Canyon and beyond in Arizona, and they loved her deeply.

Jennifer Jacobs was born on February 21, 1945 to Louis and Genevieve Jacobs (Bibby). She was the second youngest child in the family with three brothers, Jeremy (Margaret Davis), Max (Helen Troy) and the late Dr. Lawrence Jacobs (Pamela Ryan), and two sisters, the late Lisan Jacobs and the late Michelle Jacobs Brailow. Jennifer attended Kenwood Sacred Heart Academy and earned her B.A. from The Catholic University of America. 

In addition to her siblings and close friends, Jennifer leaves behind countless nieces and nephews, great nieces and nephews and great-great nieces and nephews. She will be especially missed by her nephew William (Bill) Gresser, his wife Ann O’Connor, and their children, Lisan, Luke, Zachary, Phoebe, Genevieve and Benjamin and by her stepdaughter Bonnie Patten, her husband George Brencher and their children, Quinn, Tait and Reed.

The Vive Shelter for Refugees,
Planned Parenthood of Arizona, (Attention Development, 4951 N. 15th St, Phoenix, AZ 85014)
International Rescue Committee, (4425 W. Olive Avenue, Glendale, AZ 85302)

“I have lived for art; I have lived for love.” Puccini, Tosca


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