• Date Of Birth: January 2, 1940
  • Date Of Death: June 26, 2023
  • State: New Mexico

Janet A. Wright passed away on June 26th, 2023. She was preceded

in death by her parents, brother Don Prine, and her elder

son, David Madden. She is survived by her husband, Edgar Wright,

her younger son Patrick Madden, and the families of both sons (David’s widow

Mikiko and son Spike, Patrick’s wife Laura, and their two children Maya

and Saqqara). Jan dearly loved Ed, his children, and extended family,

particularly step-sons Ray and Dale, and niece Delores.

Originally from Michigan, Jan made her home in New Mexico for more

than 50 years, finding friends in the Baha’i community. She loved art,

working as a potter, painter, and quilter, and she enjoyed her time as a

member of the Belen Art League.

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