- State: Virginia
ALEXANDRIA, VA – James Vincent Breeding passed away on July 26, 2020 in Washington D.C. after heroically battling numerous complications from diabetes over the past few years. Born January 23, 1968 in Alexandria, Virginia, James or “Jamesie” as his friends and family referred to him, started life playing in the rock piles of his family’s construction business, and he grew up tall, strong, and with the biggest heart in town. At six-foot, six-inches tall, Breeding was a man you noticed when he walked into a room, even as a junior in high school. “I’d known him because my brother and he were in boy scouts together, but Jim never knew me until geometry class at T.C. in 1984. I saw him come in, and he looked intimidating with that scowl he had on this face sometimes. That day, I was hoping he’d sit anywhere except by me,” said his wife and best friend of 36 years. But the teacher arranged the class alphabetically, and Breeding ended up in the desk right behind the beautiful blond sophomore named Dorothy Bradley. The couple spent the next few decades hardly a day apart, building businesses, a family and an incredible community of friends. James Breeding had a spectacular career at T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, where he played defensive tackle for the Titans. He was part of the 1984 State Championship Football team when no one scored against them all season. “He was a nice young man. I remember his smile and ability to relate both to his peers and adults. He carried his Titan experience into his continued support of our community,” says John Porter, who was principal at T.C. during the time.Breeding dreamed of being an architect and started classes at Northern Virginia Community College in Annandale while working part-time.