• Date Of Birth: June 7, 1973
  • Date Of Death: November 17, 2018
  • State: California

Harlon Lewayne Torbert known as “Suga Wolf” was born on June 7, 1973 in San Diego, Ca lifornia to Vicki Lynn Bowers and Rona ld Albert S traughn. He was the oldes t of four. Harlon was a lso the 1s t grandchild of his grandparents . Harlon was a na tive San Diegan. He gradua ted from Lincoln High School. He la ter decided to further his educa tion by taking courses a t San Diego City Community and Mesa Community College. Harlon was baptized a t an early by the la te Rev. LaSa lle Jones . At the age of 22 God Blessed Harlon with a beautiful baby girl, Tekeya Torbert, whom He had been trying to loca te for the pas t nine years . On December 13, 2001, He was Blessed with another baby girl, Zhanri Ma lays ia Torbert. He had a specia l bond and re la tionship with
Zhanri s ince the day she was born. Harlon had a specia l bond with his s tep-fa ther, Douglas Ray Barnes . They were able to ta lk about anything. The advice tha t Douglas would give to Harlon was very useful and very we ll respected.
He a lso had a pass ion for cooking. When family and friends ga thered, Harlon would volunteer to be the cook. He would pos t photos of his food on Facebook, rece iving hundreds of ? likes? especia lly for his presenta tion, which he fe lt was very important.  He would say  “I got it from my Mama , Vicki Lynn” . Vicki ra ised Harlon by herse lf with the he lp of her mother. Harlon was a Bless ing to Vicki. “At the age o f s ixteen, he was always w ith me . He was neve r in fos te r care , neve r been in prison, on probation o r paro le . ? I’m Proud Mama? . No t to look down on anyone ? I? m J us t Proud? .  I called h im my firs t love because he was my firs t bo rn and I d idn? t know what love was until I had Harlon. He was always in the kitchen looking ove r me as I cooked . That? s why he wou ld say,? I go t it from Vicki Lynn.” Harlon was the life of the party, a lways making everyone laugh. He spent a lot of time with his cous ins and his friends . He had a specia l cous in, Rodney “Puff” Martin.  And he was looking forward to coming back to San Diego to vis it ?Puff? . He would often trave l to vis it one of his bes t friend? s , Chris topher Green in Macon, Georgia . He is preceded in dea th by his s is ter, Vyonne Cottingham and his brother, Andre S traughn; his grandmother, Ka therine S traughn and his grandfa ther, Forres t S traughn; uncle Joseph Lee Johnson ? JoJo? and his aunt, Alice Sneed.
Harlon Lewayne Torbert was ca lled home to be with the Lord on November 17, 2018 in Macon, Georgia . He leaves to mourn his pass ing: His loving and devoted mother, Vicki Lynn Bowers ; two daughters , Tekeya Torbert and Zhanri Ma lays ia Torbert; brothers and s is ters , Vincent Bowers , Tiffany Branch, Tracy S traughn, Ronne ll S traughn, Rona ld S traughn, and Jasmine S traughn; aunts , De lphia Hayes , Es ther “NeeNee” Torbert, Carla “Kay Kay” Torbert, and Charlotte “Polly” Johnson; Uncles , Rev. Frank Torbert  and

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