Francisco "Bebo" Rodriguez

 United States

  • Date Of Birth: March 25, 1976
  • Date Of Death: December 21, 2014
  • State: California

It is with heartfelt sadness we announce the passing of Francisco Javier Rodriguez Galeana, 38, on Sunday, December 21, 2014.

He was born March 25, 1976 in Ensenada, Mexico to the union of Miguel Angel Rodriguez and Rosa Maria Galeana.

Bebo, as he was affectionately known by, his many family and friends, was a true loyal and caring friend, his smile was one that could brighten up a room. Bebo lived life on your own terms.

We love and miss you. Thank you for all the beautiful memories, but most of all for being a part of our lives. Until we meet again.

He leaves behind to mourn his parents, Miguel Angel Rodriguez and Rosa Maria Galeana; siblings, Miguel Rodriguez, Maribel Galeana, Rocio Rodriguez; his beloved dog Maddy; grandmother, Amada Garate; Uncle Javier Rodriguez; Maria Luisa Perez, Silvia Galeana, Paty Galeana; including numerous uncles, aunts,nieces, nephews, cousins, and many, many friends.

Preceded in death by grandparents, Fructoso Rodriguez, Vicente Galeana and Cuquita Lopez.

El final, se acerca ya lo esperare serenamente
Ya ves yo he sido asi te lo dire sinceramente
Vivi la inmensidad, sin conocer jamas fronteras
Jugue sin descansar y a mi manera

Jamas vivi un amor que para mi fuera importante
Corte solo una flor y lo mejor de cada instante
Viaje y disfrute, no se si mas que otro cualquiera
Si bien todo esto fue a mi manera

Talvez llore o talvez rei, talvez gane o talvez perdi
Ahora se que fui feliz, que si llore tambien ame
Puedo seguir hasta el final.. A mi manera

Quiza tambien llore cuando yo mas me divertia
Quiza yo desprecie aquello que no comprendia
Hoy se que firme fui y que afronte ser como era
Y asi logre vivir pero a mi manera

Porque sabras que un hombre al fin conoceras por su vivir
No hay porque hablar, ni que decir
Ni recordar, ni que fingir
Puedo seguir hasta el final
A mi manera.

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Facts Born: March 25, 1976
Place of Birth: Ensenada, Mexico
Death: December 21, 2014
Place of Death: Sylmar, California
Occupation: Administrative Assistant

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