- Date Of Birth: 1927
- State: Arizona
Barbara Jane Shernick
1927 – 2020
Barbara Jane Shernick passed on to her eternal peace in April of 2020 after a courageous battle with
pancreatic cancer.
She was born in Arnold, Pennsylvania to Raymond Deck, and Helen (nee) Merryman in
1927. Her childhood years were spent at a modest home on the “Coxcomb”, a hill overlooking
Pittsburgh, where her father worked for the Aluminum Company of America. Some of her fondest
memories were from swinging in a tire suspended from a huge tree at the side of the home, in
Logansferry, Pennsylvania. She kept a photo of such a swing near her sink down through the years of
such a swing, along with an illustration of a small girl holding a large stuffed Teddy Bear that she loved
nearly as much as that swing.
B.J. has had some black lines and dots embedded under the skin all of her adult life that were acquired
when she used to run and skip along the railroad track ballast on her way to or from the small
out of wood, and treasured her time with him.
When she became an adult, B.J. was employed by one of the large department stores in Pittsburgh as
the fashion coordinator, where her responsibilities were to also decorate the many large window displays
that had to match the seasons. Her taste in clothing and accessories commensurately followed her the
rest of her life, as she was always neat and fresh looking whenever in public.
It was at this time that she met, and married a young musician in the U.S. Airforce, later having to travel to
Twickenham, England where her first daughter, Phyllis was born. B.J. was always so proud of having
travelled to England aboard the Queen Mary ocean liner. Upon her return to the United States, she gave
birth to her second daughter, Susan. Both daughters have been devoted to their mother, and now live in
Boise, Idaho and Alamogordo, New Mexico respectively.
B.J. married Robert Shernick in Colorado Springs, Colorado on August 21st 1975, and while she was
ongoing with her work in the El Paso County Assessor’s office, Robert continued with his teaching Art at
Coronado High School in Colorado Springs until his retirement in 1991. His career covered 38 years.
B.J. and Rob decided eventually to seek out a change that would involve travel in their motorhome, seek
scenic variety….hence it was waiting in Sierra Vista, Arizona. This turned out to be the very best one
could hope for, with great neighbors, organizations such as Veteran Autos, Bridge groups, and good
medical care. A life- long love for fishing was a high point in B.J.’s true interests and skills.
B.J. and Rob have had to endure the rigors of aging and commensurate health issues, but each had been
met with a strong bonding from supportive family. B.J. overcame some serious operations, but the
determination, and belief in living life to its fullest, have sustained her continued love for people, nature,
and all manner of wildlife. It was this simple guiding philosophy that made her such a delightful mother,
wife, and recipient of life’s blessings right up to the last moments.
Robert H. Shernick , Husband, Sierra Vista, Arizona
Phyllis J. Weiderman, Daughter, Boise, Idaho
Susan R. Mount, Daughter, Alamogordo, New Mexico
Robert J.Shernick,Step Son, (Sandra) Winchester, Virginia
Mark A. Shernick, Step Son, Denver, Colorado
Christopher Masters, Step Son, (Elizabeth) Washington, D.C.
Michael Shernick, Step Son, (Martha) Longmont, Colorado
Brian Weiderman, Grandson, (Kate) Boise, Idaho
Kenneth Weiderman, Grandson, (Krista) Eureka, California
Christopher Weiderman, Grandson, (Janelle) Greenville, S. Carolina
Alex Masters, Grandson, Washington D.C.
Andrew Shernick, Grandson, Winchester, Virginia
Charles Shernick, Grandson, Winchester, Virginia
And 3 great grandchildren