- Date Of Birth: October 30, 2019
- Date Of Death: November 27, 2019
- State: Iowa
Ashtyn Ray Christiansen was born Wednesday October 30, 2019 at 12:46 p.m. to Mother Melba Guerra. He weighed 1 lb 2.5 oz and was 12 inches long. He blessed those around him with his presence for 28 days, where he then passed peacefully in his Mommy’s arms into the hands of Jesus. During his time on earth Ashtyn touched many lives and was loved by all that came to know him and his story.
Born 17 weeks early Ashtyn fought hard during his stay on earth, bringing love, strength, and hope to his family and loved ones. He brought together his family like never before, restoring relationships and building foundations for growth in every ones lives. It is true “the littlest feet make the biggest footprints in our hearts.”
Ashtyn grasped the hearts of everyone around him. He enjoyed holding his Mommy’s fingers, the sound of her voice and the warmth of her touch.
Ashtyn was survived by his mother Melba Guerra, grandparents Ray and Audra Morgan, Auntie’s Angel Guerra, Serenity Morgan and Uncle Ray Morgan II.
A life so brief, a child so small, Ashytn you had the power to touch us all.
Falls Iowa