• Date Of Birth: October 7, 1965
  • Date Of Death: May 10, 2015
  • State: Florida

Arsene Eugene Gernier was born to the parentage of Mr. Alene Gernier and Jeanne Charles on October 7, 1965 in Arcahaie Haiti. Arsene, who was primarily raised and was the only son of his mother, was raised in a disciplined but loving and caring way and these principles guided his steps throughout his life. He attended kindergarten in a small private school in Arcahaie known by many as (Cay Liste), elementary at FIC (Fr&egraveres de l’Instruction Chrétienne), middle and high school in Port au Prince at Jean Marie Guilloux where he completed up until Deuxieme Secondaire (equivalent of 10th Grade). Not finishing High School, he decided to attend vocational school at G.B Damien to become a mechanic. He worked in that field for many years before migrating to the United States in 1996. While working in Haiti at various shops in Port-au-Prince and Arcahaie where he lived, he met his first wife, Marie Myrlene Pierre, in 1990 and had two children. Due to life circumstances and many differences, the couple divorced in 1999. Arsene then found love again in Madese Omega and remarried in 2001 and had two children. The couple parted ways in 2006.

Pax-Villa Orlando

Premi&egravere sélection # 65 Créole CE (Mouin sonje byen) Rev: Jean Claude Norvilus

Lecture Psaumes 90

Pri&egravere de Consolation Pasteur Fernand

Deuxi&egraveme Sélection Dois je partir les mains vides # 33 MJ

Special Words Pasteur Yvert

Un chant Soeur Sony

Un mot spécial Fr&egravere Alix Gernier

Mot Spécial Sœurette Tassy

Un chant Sœur Aimée

Un chant Les Groupes Dames de L’Eglise Triomphe

La voix du Réveil # 44 De Canaan

Sermon Par Pasteur Oreste

Un chant Spécial # 291 Chant D’Esperance

Pri&egravere Finale Pasteur Monplaisir

Bénédiction Pasteur Yvert au Cimeti&egravere

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