• Date Of Death: October 2, 2022
  • State: Alabama

Albert Grubbs was born to the union of Charlie Mack Grubbs and Clara Fryer Grubbs. He was the youngest of 4 children and the only boy. Albert spent his early years in Louisville and somewhere along the way picked up the nickname “Ham” as he would be affectionately called throughout his life. Albert was the oldest surviving original member of Beasley Quarters. Albert was a great father, a great husband and the best provider for his family as quoted by his wife and sons and they should know best. Other than God, no one or nothing came before his family. According to everyone that really knew him, Albert was a genuinely good man. He had a kind word and a helping hand for everyone.
Albert was a life-long member of Mt. Nebo Baptist Church where he served as Sunday School Treasurer, Choir Member, Program Committee and Groundskeeper. Prior to his passing, he had served as the Chairman of the Deacon Board for over 30 years.
Albert only went to school through the eighth grade when he had to stop to go to work to help his parents to have a better life. Although his formal education was short, he had a PHD on life. Albert became a self-educated man of means. He wasn’t a rich man but he wasn’t a poor man either. He learned the value of working, saving, investing and then working some more. There wasn’t much he didn’t know or nothing he couldn’t make, fix, tear up and fix again. He was a technology wiz and YouTube and Amazon were his best friends. He was a Jack of All Trades and a Master of Most.
Albert was a hard-working man. He worked for many years on the John Beaty Farms before seeking public employment with Columbus Mills later known as Beaulieu of America retiring with 40 years of dedicated service. Even after retiring, he continued to work. He had many hobbies including welding, farming, carpentry, small engine repair, growing beautiful gardens with the biggest watermelons. His lawn and properties was always well manicured.
He may not have been well educated but he was educated well. He was a wealth of wisdom and knowledge. He loved parched peanuts. He would teach his sons about life and God as they ate parched peanuts together. He always told his boys: “Keep On Living and You Will Learn” or “I’ll show you enough to get you started, but you got to figure out a way to finish it”. Although he only went to the 8th grade he made sure that he put both his sons through college, reminding them to “take every experience as educational, you will learn from it one way or another be it good or bad”.
Albert will be truly missed, but he leaves a lifetime of love and memories to his loving and devoted wife of almost 54 years, the one true love of his life Jeanette Gray Grubbs, (Louisville, Al). Two sons: Avery Grubbs and Alax Jevar Grubbs, (Atlanta, Ga.) One grandson, who loved his PopPop, Arviey Jevar Grubbs. Two additional grandchildren: Malasia Chandler and Bryce Reynolds. Two special ladies whom he loved like daughters: Brittney Chandler and Tiffany Reynolds (Atlanta, Ga).
In addition to his immediate family, he leaves one sister Annie Clara Freeman, (Charlotte, North Carolina) and one special life- long friend and cousin Moses Fryer (Ozark, Al). He was preceded in death by both parents (Charlie Mack and Clara Fryer Grubbs) two sisters (Mary Dean Grubbs Thompkins and Charlie Bell Grubbs Farrow) and one mother-in-law (Flossie Mayo). He is also survived by a large extended family including in-laws, nieces, nephews, cousins, church family and a whole community that loved him very much.

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